Having been born and raised in the almost culture starved vacuum that was Essex in 1970's and 80's England, Becci had trouble to express her creative side.

Apart from the standard crayons and colouring-in book that various family members would supply occasionally to keep her out of their hair, she had very little outlet for her massive untapped creative visions.

By the time she was entering high school the crayons had permanently stained her fingers and the frustrations had built up.

Thankfully her continuous pestering of her ever suffering mother bore fruit with her first  camera, shaped and colored as a coke can and taking 110 film it was a tenuous start. After a few years of hell at said high school, a first photographic class was offered as part of an art class. Sadly being the only person opting to take the class it was a lonely time, but her never ending persistence and dogmatic attitude brought her her second camera, a very very second hand SLR, manual focus and screw in lenses. What a revelation!

She then chose to do a study on british photographic hero David Bailey for part of her Art A level. while the rest of the class went out copying Constable landscapes and trying too think of something new to say about Picasso, she visited London Galleries, viewed original prints, shot her way through countless rolls of film, annoyed everyone in school and quickly learnt how to use a conventional darkroom.

The conventional darkroom unfortunately took a backseat when Becci eventually found a job, but the photography didn't. Luckily the job turned into a career and led her to become one of the world first users of Photoshop, which in time led to her retouching for photographers such as Rankin, David Bailey, Nick Knight, David Simms, Mark Seliger, Annie Leibovitz and so many more.

The photography, which after school was done turned simply into a hobby to do while traveling, was once again forefront and with the inspiration (and money) that working with such masters can bring, she brought new cameras and took pictures while traveling. But now with newer better cameras.